Wed., July 23.
We awoke to alarm clocks so as to be packed and make our boat.
We took a cruise from Padua to Venice along La Brenta, a seriously canalized river. That means it has been straightened and locks built. This was the old trade route between the cities. The drop form Padua is 10 meters in 4 locks. La Brenta Riviera is where the patricians of Venice had their summer villas.
We stopped at several villas along the way.
The Villa Pisani is by far the largest:
Napoleon purchased it in 1807. He used it for 2 nights and slept here:
Villa Foscari, near where the Brenta empties into the Venetian Lagoon, is considered by many to be Andrea Palladio’s most perfect design.
We arrived in Venice as it is meant to be - by water.
After a Prosecco, se dragged our suitcases over two bridges to get to the right San Zaccaria vaporetto stop. Then, after the really crowded ride to St Toma, we dragged them over two more bridges to our flat. It is a nice flat with a private garden. Our landlord gave us instructions and restaurant and site suggestions.
We went around the corner to Osteria ae Cravat (yes, decorated with ties) for dinner Bruce had pasta with a bacon, tomato, pepper sauce; Leslie had fegata, liver and onions. Lovely.
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