We made all connections and arrived here less than 20 hrs after leaving Boca. Our home for the next month is a well-located 18th cty palazzo, chopped up into smaller apartments. We are in the center of the historic district, quite close to the Duomo and Ufizzi and within Leslie's walking capabilities for almost all the sites.
Our apartment is quite spacious. The building, with its thick stone walls, makes the apartment hard to keep warm. But and Bruce thinks he knows how to get the hot water working. The 19th C kitchen was left as decoration:
Our apartment is quite spacious. The building, with its thick stone walls, makes the apartment hard to keep warm. But and Bruce thinks he knows how to get the hot water working. The 19th C kitchen was left as decoration:
Today we visited the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, a small museum dedicated to the inlaid stone craft that flourished here under the Medicis. The vases and flowers are made from stone pieces, often selected for the color gradient within the piece.
The craft continues. The museum, I believe, is at the school where the craft is taught today.
And we visited a shop selling pieces. Leslie is very tempted by a flower piece.
Alas, we have neither space nor funds for this malachite table.
Beautiful malachite table!!